Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lazy Sunday Links

Last week I told you about Feedbooks and Google Books.

This week I found The Gutenburg Project which not only offers thousands of titles (all for free!) but also gives you the opportunity to proofread manuscripts they're working on!  I have several friends who, like me, can't NOT correct spelling mistakes when we see them.  This will give us all a safe outlet and make us much less annoying at dinner parties!

This week I've been working my way through The Good Human, which is full of great green advice and thoughtful articles on how to make the world a better place.

I'm also enjoying 43 Folders which is a creativity/productivity/make-your-life-suck-less blog.  Seriously, there's a whole searchable section called What Sucks? which some days is really very useful.

I hope you're having a lovely lazy Sunday.  What sucks in your life?  And what are your thoughts about fixing it?

If you appreciate these Sunday links, could you please do me a favour?  I've entered a contest to win a trip to go to the Antarctic and blog about it.  But I need lots and lots of votes to win.  Please take a minute, go here and cast your vote.  You'll need to register, but it'll only take a minute. 

And I'd be really really grateful.  Seriously grateful.  Take requests grateful.

Thank you.

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